This last week I requested that a few of you fill out a short survey to help us pinpoint your areas of interest so that we could better serve you and deliver more content that would be of interest to you. The survey is now closed and today I am sharing with you some of the results.
89% said it would be valuable to have access to our best online marketing strategies in a course.
42% of you said you preferred Video format while another 42% chose both eBook and Video.
The data above was not too surprising. It was the next set of results that I found really interesting because I was expecting Facebook to be the majority, but I was wrong. This question had five choices and was on a rating scale of 5/5 (5 being most likely to purchase and 1 being less likely to purchase).
Those rated 5/5:
1st place: at 67% YouTube Marketing
2nd place: Fan Subscriber List Building
3rd place: Search Marketing (SEO, SEM)
4th place: Facebook and WP (WordPress) both received an equal number of votes
The majority of the survey participants at 67% were comfortable spending $47 for the course.
50% that marked yes to question 1 answered that they preferred an ongoing subscription where they could get access to the information immediately upon release. But when all participants were averaged together, paying a set price per product was favored by 5%.
We appreciate all our subscribers who took the time to participate and share their interests with us. This enables us to better deliver the content you want. Talk soon! Fusion Online Music Marketing Company
Read about Facebook pay to play